What does a Phonics Teacher do?

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What does a Phonics Teacher do?

Source: fastweb

A Phonics Teacher plays an essential part in the initial phases of a kid’s learning. They are the designers of linguistic, constructing the basis of reading and writing services in young brains. Through attractive and interactive techniques, a Phonics Teacher familiarises broods to the sounds and letters that form the support of the English linguistic.

This dedicated teacher not only imparts how to link sounds with signs but also imparts an affection for reading and learning. The Phonics Teacher, with their exceptional capability set, opens up a domain of words and implications, creating them critical in a youngster’s educational voyage. Their part spreads outside mere teaching; Phonics Teacher are guides who support children decipher the difficulties of language, setting them on the trail to learning and theoretical achievement.

Step 1: Teach the Common Letter Sounds

A Phonics Teacher instigates by familiarising broods to the basic sounds that each letter of the alphabet makes. This initial step is essential for constructing a child’s understanding of how letters contribute to word foundation. For example, the Phonics Teacher reveals that the letter ‘B’ makes a ‘buh’ sound, as in ‘bat’, while ‘M’ sounds like ‘mm’ as in ‘mat’. These simple relationships between letters and sounds are the structure tablets of phonics education.

Step 2: Teach Blending and Segmenting Simple 2 and 3 Letter Words

The Phonics Teacher then advances to blending and segmenting simple two and three-letter words. This involves teaching students to combine individual sounds to make words (blending) and collapse words into individual sounds (segmenting). For example, the teacher shows blending with a word like ‘cat’, breaking it down to ‘c-a-t’ and then merging the sounds. This phase is crucial in advancing early reading and spelling abilities.

Step 3: Teach the diagraph Sounds

Next, the Phonics Teacher make known digraphs – pair of letters that makes a single sound. Examples contain ‘ch’ in ‘chop’, ‘sh’ in ‘ship’, and ‘th’ in ‘that’. The educator defines how these combinations make different sounds, different from the sounds of the letters on their own. This stage is vital in expanding a child’s phonetic understanding and vocabulary.

Have questions about Phonics Teaching Course cost? Contact us at +919869546913 / +919869866277.

For your convenience, the Phonics Teaching Course brochure can be downloaded Here.

Source: bigfuture

Step 4: Blending and Segmenting of Words using Simple Digraphs

The Phonics Teacher then emphases on blending and segmenting words that contain simple digraphs. For example, the teacher describes how to segment ‘ship’ into ‘sh-i-p’ and merge these sounds to say ‘ship’. This supports the theory of digraphs and helps students apply their information in reading and spelling.

Step 5: Teach Alternative Sounds for Letters sounds

At this stage, the Phonics Teacher presents different sounds for letters. For example, the letter ‘a’ can sound like ‘apple’ in ‘cat’ or ‘acorn’ in ‘cake’. This step helps children understand that letters can make different sounds depending on their placement in words, improving their decoding abilities.

Step 6: teach Tricky words / sight word

The Phonics Teacher introduces tricky or sight words – words that don’t follow characteristic phonics rules, like ‘the’, ‘said’, and ‘are’. This teaching helps in improving a child’s reading fluency, as these words often look normally in text.

Step 7: Introduction of phonics rules

In this step, the Phonics Teacher describes several phonics rules, such as ‘silent e’, ‘double consonants’, and ‘vowel teams’. These rules help students understand more difficult word structures and are crucial for progressive reading and spelling.

Have questions about Phonics Teaching Course cost? Contact us at +919869546913 / +919869866277.

For your convenience, the Phonics Teaching Course brochure can be downloaded Here.

Step 8: Blending and Segmenting More Complex Words

The Phonics Teacher now changes to blending and segmenting more difficult words, containing the earlier taught rules and sounds. For example, blending ‘stripe’ into ‘s-t-r-i-pe’ or segmenting ‘bench’ into ‘b-e-n-ch’. This develops a child’s phonetic skills to a complex level.

Step 9: Teach Digraphs and Trigraphs

This stage contains teaching more difficult digraphs (like ‘ph’ in ‘phone’) and trigraphs (like ‘igh’ in ‘night’). The Phonics Teacher shows how these letter mixtures create unique sounds, further broadening the students’ phonetic considerate.

Step 10: Alternative Graphemes

The Phonics Teacher presents alternative graphemes – different methods of writing the similar sound. For example, the ‘ai’ sound can be written as ‘ay’ in ‘day’ or ‘a-e’ in ‘cake’. This helps students identify different spellings for the same sounds.

Step 11: Reading simple sentences to paragraphs

Finally, the Phonics Teacher guides students in applying their phonics knowledge to read simple sentences and gradually complex paragraphs. This step combines all the skills learned, culminating in a comprehensive reading ability.

Have questions about Phonics Teaching Course cost? Contact us at +919869546913 / +919869866277.

For your convenience, the Phonics Teaching Course brochure can be downloaded Here.

Phonics Teaching Course

Source: phonicshero

Phonics Teaching Course

The Phonics Teaching Course offered by Vidhyanidhi Education Society is a precisely designed course that provides inspiring educators with the abilities and aids required to become expert Phonics Teachers. This course is not just about learning the necessities of phonics; it’s an inclusive journey into the world of effective phonics teaching, following the UK-based Synthetic Phonics Teaching and Learning Approach.

Here are the standout features of this Phonics Teaching Course:

Detailed Guidelines to Start Your Own Phonics Classes

This course provides an in-depth guide to help you establish your own phonics classes for children, ensuring a smooth start to your teaching career.

Teacher’s Handbook

A valuable resource is included, offering a wealth of information and teaching techniques.

300+ Ready-to-Use Printable Worksheets

Kickstart your phonics teaching with an extensive collection of worksheets, designed to enhance the learning experience of your students.

42 Printable Flashcards

These visual aids are a great way to reinforce learning and make teaching more interactive and enjoyable.

Word Bank with 650+ Words

This extensive collection includes digraphs, alternative vowel sounds (like ai, oa, ay, ow, ei), and CVC words, providing a rich vocabulary base for teaching.

Additional Hand-Outs

These materials aid your teaching, offering more ways to engage and educate your students effectively.

Tips to Execute Day-wise Lessons

The course offers practical advice on structuring your lessons effectively, ensuring a well-paced and comprehensive learning experience for your students.

Widely Accepted Certificate

Upon completion, you receive a certificate that is recognized widely, adding credibility to your teaching skills.

18 Hours Intensive Training

This thorough training ensures that you are well-prepared and confident to teach phonics.

Lectures through Audio-Visual Teaching Aids

The course utilizes modern teaching aids, making learning more dynamic and effective.

Demonstration of Sounds with Jingles, Stories, and Actions

This innovative approach makes learning fun and memorable for students.

Thorough Practice of All the 42 Sounds

This comprehensive practice ensures a deep understanding of phonics.

Mock-drills, Doubt-Solving, and Question-Answer Sessions

These elements are designed to reinforce learning and clarify any doubts, ensuring a solid grasp of phonics teaching methodologies.

The Phonics Teaching Course by Vidhyanidhi Education Society known as a premier choice for those aiming to shine in phonics teaching. With its well-curved syllabus and practical resources, it prepares instructor to make an important effect in the field of early childhood education.

“Join VES: Unlock a world of Phonics Teaching Excellence!”

Have questions about Phonics Teaching Course cost? Contact us at +919869546913 / +919869866277.

For your convenience, the Phonics Teaching Course brochure can be downloaded Here.

Phonics Teacher


The duration is 6 days, 3 hours daily, offering deep insights and practical skills.

Yes, you can do it online through Vidhyanidhi Education Society's Phonics Teacher Training Course.

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