English Grammar Training for Teachers

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English Grammar Training for Teachers

Source: dreamstime

English Grammar Training Teachers is a crucial resource for teachers aiming to improve their teaching techniques. This article serves as a guide, offering practical ideas and strategies for learning detailed English grammar. Through English Grammar Training for Teachers, teachers can develop the confidence and information required for effectively teaching grammar to their children. The focus here is not just on concept, but on the use of grammar in teaching, making English Grammar Training for Teachers a valuable tool for teachers at all levels.

Online English Grammar Training for Teacher

Online English Grammar Training for Teachers has become progressively more important in today’s digital educational field. Vidhyanidhi Education Society (Govt. regd.) has structured its Online English Grammar Training for Teachers to provide the changing needs of teachers. This course stands out for its methodical and efficient method of grammar teaching.

Here are the notable benefits of this online English Grammar Training for Teacher:

25 Hours of Intensive Training

This Online English Grammar Training for Teachers is aimed to be detailed yet brief, ensuring educators can participate in this learning despite their busy plans.

Lucid Course Content

The course material is well-examined and introduced in a clear, reasonable manner, making it available for all educators.

Conceptual Clarity

Educators gain detailed academic information, which is essential for teaching grammatical concepts with transparency and confidence.

Effective Grammar Teaching Methodology

This course focuses on advanced methods to teach grammar, improving every aspect of the learning method.

Teaching Videos & Classroom Activities

These resources are important for both offline and online classes, ensuring a practical and engaging learning practice.

Use of Teaching Aids

The use of utilities such as flashcards and activities improves the instructing process, making learning more interactive and exciting.

Worksheet Solving Techniques

These skills are essential for strengthening grammatical concepts in a classroom scenery.

Expert Trainers

The English Grammar Training for Teachers is conducted by experienced specialists, ensuring high-quality teaching.

Flexible Batch Options

Providing various programs for teachers, the program offers flexible timing preferences.

Interactive Lectures

The application of audio-visual mediums makes the session fascinating and easy to follow.

Regular Revision, Doubt-solving, and Regular Feedback

This constant support ensures that educators are well-trained to implement their new talents effectively.

Online English Grammar Training for Teachers offered by Vidhyanidhi Education Society (Govt. regd.) is a tremendous opportunity for teachers to improve their grammar schooling skills. The course’s inclusive nature, merged with practical aids and expert help, makes it a valuable investment for any educators aiming to advance their grammar teaching skills. This Online English Grammar Training for Teachers is not merely a course, but it is a milestone toward becoming a more influential and confident educator in the field of English grammar.

Join English Grammar Training for Teachers by calling +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Clicking here will help you download the Grammar Teacher Training Course brochure.

Duration of English Grammar Training for Teacher

25-hour Duration of English Grammar Training for Teacher spans over 7 days with 3.5 hours daily. This English Grammar Training for Teachers ensures skill enhancement. Teachers benefit immensely from this structured English Grammar Training for Teachers, enhancing teaching methodologies effectively.

Fees English Grammar Training for Teacher

Source: internationalteacherstraining

Fees English Grammar Training for Teacher

The Fees English Grammar Training for Teachers usually range between ₹7000 to ₹10000, ensuring inexpensive and valuable. This investment in English Grammar Training for Teachers is essential for their professional progress and effectiveness in the schoolroom.

Qualification to be Grammar Teacher

A minimum of 12+ years of education is the essential Qualification to be Grammar Teacher. This foundation, coupled with specialized English Grammar Training for Teacher, equips them with the skills necessary to excel. Such qualifications ensure that a grammar teacher can effectively impart knowledge.

Join English Grammar Training for Teachers by calling +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Clicking here will help you download the Grammar Teacher Training Course brochure.

Course Content for Grammar Teacher Training Course

The Course Content for Grammar Teacher Training Course is structured carefully to train educators with a precise understanding of English grammar. This complete course assures that each topic is studied in depth, equipping educators with the information and skills to effectively teach English grammar.

Alphabetical Order

Understanding the foundation of English begins with mastering alphabetical order. This section covers the basics of alphabet arrangement, essential for word sorting and dictionary skills.

Vowels and Consonants

A clear difference between vowels and consonants is essential. This concept focuses on their functions and sounds, which is important in teaching phonetics and spelling.

Articles – a and an

The use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ is a key element of English grammar. This part of the course delves into their correct usage, enhancing sentence construction skills.

Capitals and Full Stops

Capitalization and the use of full stops are the cornerstones of proper sentence structure. This unit emphasizes their importance and application in writing.

Nouns – Naming Words

Nouns are the framework of language. These sections examine different types of nouns, advancing educators’ skills to explain difficult concepts.

Common and Proper Nouns

Characteristics between common and proper nouns are essential to understand. This section of the Course Content for Grammar Teacher Training Course attentions on identification and application of rules.


Pronouns are fundamental in sentence building. This part teaches their types and uses, simplifying complex sentence structures.

Singular and Plural

Understanding singular and plural forms is fundamental. This module covers the rules and exceptions, vital for accurate communication.

Am, Is, Are

The use of these verbs forms the basis of sentence construction. This section focuses on their correct usage in different contexts.

Has, Have

This unit delves into the usage of ‘has’ and ‘have’, crucial for constructing present tense sentences.

This, That, These, Those

Demonstratives are key in English grammar. This part of the Course Content for Grammar Teacher Training Course explains their usage in various contexts.


As action words, verbs are central to English. This module covers their forms and tenses, essential for dynamic sentence construction.


Understanding gender in grammar is important for accurate and respectful communication. This section covers the nuances and modern usage.


Descriptive language hinges on adjectives. This unit explores their types and placement within sentences.

Article – The

The definite article ‘the’ is ubiquitous in English. This part teaches its correct application in various contexts.


Punctuation marks are integral to clear communication. This module covers their types and uses in written English.

Question Words

Crafting questions is an art. This section of the Grammar Teacher Training Course content focuses on understanding interrogative words and their usage.


Understanding contractions is key for both spoken and written English. This unit explores their formation and usage.

Collective Nouns

This module of the Grammar course delves deep into the world of collective nouns, improving teachers’ proficiency in teaching group terminology.


Prepositions are essential for creating expressive sentences. This module of the Grammar course covers their types and correct uses.


As connectors in sentences, conjunctions are fundamental. This section explains their types and roles in sentence cohesion.

Animal Sounds, Young Ones, and Houses

This unique module covers the terminology related to animals, enriching vocabulary, and teaching strategies.


Adverbs advance verbs and adjectives. This part explores their types and placement in sentences.

Subject Verb Agreement

An essential feature of grammar, this segment ensures educators understand and teach the rules of subject-verb agreement.

Simple Tense – Present, Past, Future

Understanding tenses is essential for educating English grammar. This final module covers the basics of simple tenses.

Each lesson in the Course Content for Grammar Teacher Training Course is designed to provide detailed information and practical teaching methods, ensuring that teachers are well-trained to provide effective English grammar training to children.

Join English Grammar Training for Teachers by calling +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Clicking here will help you download the Grammar Teacher Training Course brochure.

How to Teach English Grammar Step By Step?

Source: proprofs

How to Teach English Grammar Step By Step?

To Teach English Grammar effectively needs a structured and clear method. This guide on- How to Teach English Grammar Step By Step? aims to provide teachers with practical resources to enhance their grammar teaching skills.

Start with the Basics

Start your English Grammar Training for Teachers by mastering the essential parts of speech. This initial step is essential in making a strong understanding for students. Explain fundamental concepts like adjectives, nouns, adverbs, and verbs using known illustrations.

Progress to Sentence Structure

Move to sentence framing after clearing the fundamentals. Explain child about subject-verb agreement, articles, and the structure of simple, compound, and complex sentences. This step is a significant part of any English Grammar Step By Step program.

Introduce Tenses and Their Uses

Introduce tenses, which are integral to English grammar. Teach each tense (past, present, and future) along with their sub-types using appropriate illustrations. Deliver plenty of examples and practice practices to support learning.

Practice with Exercises

Executing what has been taught is the main feature of English Grammar step-by-step learning. Reinforce grammar rules by incorporating innovative activities such as fill-in-the-blanks, matching appropriate words, sentence correction, rewriting sentences, etc.

Use Interactive Teaching Methods

Make sure children actively participate in interactive activities like group discussions, storytelling, recitation, role-playing, etc. It makes the English grammar training for teachers more effective and keeps students interested.

Incorporate Technology and Resources

Utilize educational apps, online resources, and multimedia tools to make grammar lessons more dynamic and appealing. This approach is in line with modern English grammar training for teachers.

Regular Assessment and Feedback

Conduct regular tests and provide constructive feedback. This helps in tracking progress and addressing areas that need more attention in your English Grammar Step-by-step teaching plan.

Encourage Reading and Writing

Motivate students to read widely and practice writing. This exposure is vital in understanding grammar usage in different contexts, an important aspect of English grammar training for teachers.

By following these steps, teachers can effectively impart grammar knowledge, ensuring students grasp the nuances of English grammar. Remember, patience and consistency are key in any English grammar training for teachers.

Join English Grammar Training for Teachers by calling +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Clicking here will help you download the Grammar Teacher Training Course brochure.

What are The 5 Key Principles of English Grammar?

Source: cloudinary

What are The 5 Key Principles of English Grammar?

Comprehending the principles and concepts of English grammar is a vital aspect of English Grammar Training for Teachers. These principles form the foundation of effective communication and also aid teachers in teaching their students precise grammatical knowledge.

Following are The 5 Key Principles of English Grammar that every English Grammar Training for Teacher focuses on:

Consistency in Tense and Aspect

A fundamental principle of English grammar is maintaining constancy in tense and aspect. English Grammar Training for Teachers highlights the effectiveness of proper tenses to define the time of action and to maintain uniformity in verb tenses throughout a sentence or a description.

Subject-Verb Agreement

This is a base among the principles of English grammar. An English grammar training teacher needs to ensure children’s understanding that the verb in a sentence must agree in number with its subject. This principle helps in ignoring common grammatical mistakes and improves sentence framing.

Proper Use of Pronouns

Pronouns must always agree in digit, gender, and person with the replacing nouns. An English grammar training teacher should stress the importance of this principle to avoid ambiguity in sentences.

Sentence Structure

Another key principle is understanding the fundamental structure of English sentences, which includes subject, verb, and object. English Grammar Training concentrates on enlightening the multiple sentence forms, such as basic, compound, complex, and compound-complex, because they form the foundation of English grammar.

Correct Use of Punctuation and Capitalization

Appropriate punctuation and capitalization are vital for conveying the proper purpose and retaining the primness of any sentence. An English Grammar Training for Teachers highlights these features, as they greatly influence the reading skills and understanding of written English.

These principles of English grammar are vital for any English Grammar Training for Teacher. Specialization of these aspects not only improves an educator’s skills to teach effectively but also ensures that students receive a strong foundation in English grammar. As English continues to be an international language, the function of English Grammar Training for Teacher in learning and teaching these values of English grammar becomes progressively important.

Join Vidhyanidhi’s Grammar Teacher Training course- Upgrade your English teaching skills today!

Join English Grammar Training for Teachers by calling +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Clicking here will help you download the Grammar Teacher Training Course brochure.

English Grammar Training Teachers


With a basic grammar course, you can typically teach grammar up to the elementary or primary school level.

Yes, you can take up a Grammar Course online. Various platforms are offering comprehensive courses suited for different teaching levels.

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