Online English Grammar Course for Teachers

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Online Grammar Course for Teachers

Source: shutterstock

In the ever developing world of teaching, the ‘Online English Grammar Course for Teachers’ stands as an essential reserve for educators pointing to improve their language skills. With this course, educators may easily and confidently learn the nuances of English grammar, as it is specifically intended to meet their needs.

The ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers‘ offers educators a convenient and efficient means of enhancing their grammar, a necessary skill for effectively instructing students in the language. The course not only supplements their understanding but also prepares them with the tools to stand-in a better learning setting for their students.

Benefits of Grammar Course for Teachers

The Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s Online Grammar Course for Teachers offers a number of advantages that are especially designed to satisfy the requirements of educators working in the field.

The subsequent are few of the important advantages of this course:

Well-Researched and Lucid Course Content

The ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ is carefully crafted with well-researched material that is clear and easy to understand. This ensures that teachers can grasp complex grammar concepts without any confusion.

In-Depth Theoretical Knowledge for Conceptual Clarity

The course provides an in-depth exploration of theoretical aspects of English grammar, offering teachers a solid foundation and conceptual clarity. This knowledge is crucial for effective teaching.

Effective Grammar Teaching Methodology

One of the primary benefits of this grammar course for teachers is the emphasis on effective teaching methodologies. It leads teachers on how to impart grammar in a way that is both attractive and easy for students to comprehend.

Teaching Videos & Classroom Activities

The course includes a variety of teaching videos and classroom activities for each topic. These resources are extremely beneficial for both offline and online classes, enhancing the teaching and learning experience.

Use of Teaching Aids

Incorporating teaching aids like flashcards and interactive activities, the ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ makes learning more dynamic and effective.

Worksheet Solving Techniques

The course also introduces various worksheet solving techniques, helping teachers to make their sessions more interactive and practical.

Expert Trainers

The course is conducted by expert trainers who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, ensuring high-quality education.

Flexible Batch Options

Understanding the busy schedules of teachers, the course offers flexible batch options, making it convenient for educators to enroll at their convenience.

Interactive Lectures Using Audio-Visual Mediums

The benefits of this grammar course for teachers are further enhanced through interactive lectures that employ audio-visual mediums, making learning more engaging and effective.

Regular Revision, Doubt Solving, and Timely Feedback

Regular revision sessions, doubt-solving forums, and timely feedback are integral parts of the course, ensuring that teachers have a thorough understanding of the material and can apply it effectively in their teaching.

The ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ is not just a course but a comprehensive pathway for educators to enhance their grammar teaching skills. The benefits of this grammar course for teachers are evident in the improved teaching methodologies and enhanced classroom interactions. It’s an essential investment for teachers who wish to excel in their profession and provide high-quality education.

To get more details regarding the course call / whatsapp on +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Our informative Grammar Course brochure is, Available Here.

Duration of Online Grammar Course for Teachers

Source: shutterstock

Duration of Online Grammar Course for Teachers

The ‘Duration of Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ is thoughtfully set at 25 hours of intensive training. This meticulous timeframe ensures that every participant of the ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ receives in-depth knowledge and practical skills.

The ‘Duration of Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ is optimized to fit into the busy schedules of educators, making it a practical choice for teachers everywhere. Each session within this duration is crafted to maximize learning, ensuring that teachers emerge with a solid grasp of English grammar, ready to apply it in their classrooms.

Eligibility Grammar Course for Teachers

The ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ requires candidates to have a basic understanding of the English language as a prerequisite. This foundational knowledge is crucial to effectively grasp the concepts taught in the course. The duration of the ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ is thoughtfully structured to accommodate educators’ busy schedules.

Reiterating, the duration of this online course is tailored to provide ample time for thorough learning. Again, it’s important to highlight that the duration of the ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ plays a key role in ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

To get more details regarding the course call / whatsapp on +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Our informative Grammar Course brochure is, Available Here.

Course Content of Grammar Course for Teachers

Source: globalist

Course Content of Grammar Course for Teachers

The ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers‘ from Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers an extensive and in-depth exploration into the nuances of English grammar. Designed specifically for educators, this course encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, meticulously curated to enhance teaching proficiency.

Let’s delve deeper into the enriching Course Content of Grammar Course for Teachers:

Alphabetical Order

Establishing the foundation of English language learning, this section imparts the basics of alphabetical sequencing, crucial for dictionary and thesaurus usage.

Vowels and Consonants

An in-depth look into phonetics, focusing on the distinction between vowels and consonants and their role in pronunciation and word formation.

Articles – a and an

A comprehensive exploration of indefinite articles, teaching the subtleties of usage depending on the phonetic context of the subsequent word.

Capitals and Full Stops

This module focuses on the fundamental rules of capitalization and the correct placement of full stops, which are essential in crafting well-structured sentences.

Nouns – Naming Words

An extensive dive into the world of nouns, exploring their role as the primary naming words in sentence structures.

Common and Proper Nouns

Distinguishing between common nouns that denote general items and proper nouns that specify unique entities.


This section delves into the diverse types of pronouns and their usage, an integral part of replacing nouns for fluidity in language.

Singular and Plural

Understanding the rules and exceptions in transforming singular nouns to their plural forms.

Am, Is, Are

A thorough exploration of these be-verbs, crucial in forming present tense constructions and conveying states of being.

Has, Have

Grasping the correct application of these auxiliary verbs, pivotal in constructing present perfect tenses.

This, That, These, Those

Mastering the usage of demonstrative pronouns for indicating specific items in speech and writing.


An in-depth study of action words, exploring their various forms and tenses, and their pivotal role in sentence construction.


Understanding the influence of gender in English grammar, especially in pronoun usage and agreement.


Expanding sentences with descriptive words, learning how adjectives modify and add depth to nouns.

Article – the

Detailed insights into the usage of the definite article ‘the’, teaching its application in various linguistic contexts.


This section covers the entire spectrum of punctuation marks, vital for clear and effective sentence structuring.

Question Words

Crafting questions using appropriate interrogative words, an essential aspect of engaging and informative communication.


Simplifying language without losing meaning, learning the nuances of contracted forms in English.

Collective Nouns

Identifying terms for groups of objects, animals, or people, enhancing vocabulary and accuracy in language.


Delving into words that link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other parts of the sentence, crucial for expressing relationships in terms of time, place, direction, and more.


Understanding the function of connecting words in joining clauses, sentences, or phrases, and their impact on the flow of language.

Animal Sounds, Young Ones, and Houses

Expanding vocabulary with specific terms related to animals, their young, and their dwellings.


Mastering the use of modifiers that add context to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, crucial for detailed and expressive communication.

Subject Verb Agreement

Ensuring grammatical harmony between subjects and verbs in terms of number and tense.

Simple Tense – Present, Past, Future

A thorough breakdown of the basic verb tenses, teaching effective conveyance of time in language.

The Course Content of Grammar Course for Teachers in the ‘Online Grammar Course for Teachers’ is not just a sequence of topics; it’s a voyage into the heart of English language teaching. Each part of the Course Content of Grammar Course for Teachers is planned to be communicating and engaging, ensuring that teachers not only absorb the material but also enjoy the education process. This course is an important reserve for educators aiming to sharpen their language skills and effectively impart information to their students.

“Join our Grammar Course and elevate your teaching skills today!”

To get more details regarding the course call / whatsapp on +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Our informative Grammar Course brochure is, Available Here.

Online English Grammar Course for Teachers


Start your own grammar classes by gaining expertise in English grammar, creating a curriculum, and setting up a teaching space or online platform.

Yes, an Online English Grammar Course for Teachers is helpful for enhancing teaching skills and understanding modern educational methodologies.

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